Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Product Review: Relationship Recovery

I see so many ebooks on how to get the man or woman of your dreams, but very few that offer insights on how to live happily ever after. When the gloss starts to wear off your relationship, when the times get a little tough, when it's not as easy to love your partner as it used to be, who do you turn to?

That's a problem that plagues me a lot as I contemplate relationships, and it was at the forefront of my mind as I
reviewed Rachel Rider's "Relationship Recovery" course recently. I get a lot of ebooks and courses come across my desk, each telling me that their method is the magic bullet, so it's not often I get excited.

Until now.


The first thing that struck me about Rachel's book was how attractively it's laid out. Not some hastily prepared ebook so typical of most sites, this book is professionally laid out and graphically designed, a good indication of the level of professionalism I have come to expect from Meet Your Sweet.

The next thing I noticed was the forthright and honest manner in which the author engages with the reader. Rachel is a newer addition to the Meet Your Sweet group of writers led by Slade Shaw and Mirabelle Summers, but she has quickly established herself as a credible source and a talented writer.

It's refreshing to see her approach on how to move forward with saving a relationship. I see a lot of people looking for people to blame when a relationship is in trouble, and from my experience it only introduces a raft of new problems. Rachel's approach where she looks within the reader for a place to start is both poignant and productive.

After all, we can't change how others act and behave, so the best vehicle for change is within ourselves. Examining and challenging beliefs and behaviors is a great place to start, and leading this change by example is indicative of Meet Your Sweet's progressive thinking when it comes to personal growth and empowerment.

Rachel covers topics such as soulfulness, understanding our evolution and personal development and the effect this has had on our current state, our belief systems, the life cycle of a relationship, communication processes, healthy relationship values, ways to reconnect with your partner even if you are the only one that wants to, and much more.

Covering nearly 200 pages, this course is a powerful medium for personal change and growth, in the belief that through personal growth and empowerment can come change in external influences such as your relationship and the way you interact with your loved one. 

In additon to the ebook is a bonus book, "Repair After Separation," plus a bonus interview with counselors Dr Rob Bilton and Melody Chase about their secrets on what every couple must know to develop a happy and long lasting relationship.

I was surprised at the high quality of knowledge passed on in this course, and think that with the right commitment to exploring these methods, any reader in relationship crisis can learn and apply some brilliant methods which can guarantee success.

But it starts with YOU.

I thoroughly recommend this course to any couple, married or otherwise, who are serious about delivering powerful personal change as a method to overcoming relationship troubles. It has changed my thoughts and beliefs about successful relationships, and goes far beyond most relationship-saving courses I have seen.

But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself  HERE.

Product Review: Connect and Commit

Like me, you've probably experienced lots of rough times in trying to find "The One". 

I get a lot of products come across my desk promising me that they can give me the relationship of my dreams, so I'm skeptical when someone tells me there's a new product available that is different from the rest.

However, I was pleasantly surprised when I received a copy of Amy Waterman's "Connect And Commit - Taking Things to the Next Level of Commitment." This is another course released by the Meet Your Sweet Network, authors and creators of a host of dating and relationships products that are quickly carving themselves a niche in the online dating advice market.

Click Here.

So what makes this course different?

Well the first thing that struck me was the size of this course. At 330+ pages, its one of the most comprehensive commitment courses I have seen. From what I know of Amy Waterman, she's no lightweight in the online dating market, and this course is typical of her usual high standard and attention to detail.

The next thing that struck me is the detail. The ebooks she has created are attractively laid out and graphically designed, and I know from the first page that this is a publication that takes itself seriously. I was impressed!

In addition to the ebooks, which she has split into 3 parts for easier downloading, she has recorded the entire ebook in high-quality audio. Add to that over 4 hours of interviews she has done with some of the world's foremost dating and relationship experts, and you have a course that really delivers you advice and secrets that are going to maximize your chances of commitment.

Amy covers crucial commitment topics such as:

- Learning some facts and figures about commitment
- Understanding the stages of commitment
- Discovering what commitment means to you and your partner
- Knowing if this is the person you want to commit to
- Getting the right mindset for commitment
- Mastering the magic of romance
- Knowing what to do when reality hits
- Surviving the power struggle in your relationship
- Deciding how and whether you should stick with the      relationship
- Choosing a conscious relationship

After reading through this course and listening to the audio interviews, I can heartily recommend this course for people who are wanting more commitment in their life, whether they are single and looking for a relationship, or wanting to take their current relationship to the next level. There is something in this course for everybody, regardless of their relationship status. This is a life-changing course.

It has changed the way I look at commitment in my own life, and I know it will maximize your chances of relationship and commitment success. Another high-quality addition to the Meet Your Sweet library of dating and relationship resources.

But don't just take my word for it, check it out for yourself HERE.